Time flies by. Everything happened yesterday is just like a dream - sometimes you might wonderif it is true.

Since I am getting old (of course not too old to think!! ), I start questioning myself: Why I wasted so much time while studying in university? 

I didn't study as hard as I could nor learn anything hungrily. That's exactly why I have to work harder on the field I am interested in the most now.

Well, there is no use cruing for spilt milk, so just do it!! (attention: it's not promoting!! )

One thing is sure and absolutely important: do whatever you want to do as soon as possible, or you'll just be more and more scared of changing anything. We are always willing to take any challenge or do something different when we are young (no matter physically or mentally). however, this kind of courage seems to fade away with age. 

A few years ago, I learned a sentence from a movie (starred by Robbin William who was a very special teacher in the movie and inspired the students with a very creative way):  carpe diem, means seize the day. Until now, it's still one of my favorite quote though it's short and without any morality.  This sentence might be the best ending of this article. HAHA~


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