I had a chat with my colleague.

He asked, "when do you plan to get married?"

I looked at him and said, "why did you ask that? The point is not when but whom to get married with."

"Yes, I know. It's just girls in Taiwan always say that they want to marry someone before they are 30." 

"That's ture. But for me, I don't think the age is something I have to worried about." I told him. (Or maybe it's because I am still far away from 30? )

"You are a smart girl." He said that as a conclusion. Is it ture? God knows!!

And then, he told me about his marriage and his wife, blablabla... 

It's interesting that women everywhere, not just in Taiwan, don't want to get married after 30 (sometimes 35). Seems like 30 (or more than 30) is a terrible number. And also most of them take marriage as a way that you must pass through in your life. Even like Charlotte, one of the main characters in Sex And The City, always thinks about it though she is pretty and rich enough to live herself a comfortable life. 

I can't help asking, "WHY?" Even a smart girl (like me, haha~) or the most clever guy can't figure it out.


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