一直以來有在看我介紹音樂的朋友,會發現我很少介紹整張專輯,大部份都是以單曲為主;不過我今天要介紹的,可不是普通的歌手喔~對於他個性上的堅持,我非常佩服,也很喜歡他傳達的理念,所以推薦一下Jack Johnson的最新專輯 Sleep Through The Static (夢想國度)

他在夏威夷的自宅蓋起名為「芒果樹」錄音室,屋頂舖滿太陽能版,以太陽能發電錄製專輯,不用耗電的電腦錄音軟體, 不斷彩排演唱新歌,然後一氣呵成將歌曲錄製在盤帶上,另外,再詳加確定全世界都採用百分百再生紙印製專輯。取之於大自然,用之於好音樂,一個人的堅持,讓全世界找回音樂最初的感動與美好。

介紹的第一首歌,便是他的首波主打 - If I Had Eyes (MV下方附有歌詞)

If I had eyes in the back of my head
I would have told you that
You looked good
As I walked away
And if you could've tried to trust the hand that fed
You would've never been hungry
But you never really be
The more of this or less of this or is there any difference
or are we just holding onto the things we don't have anymore
Sometimes time doesn't heal
No not at all
Just stand still
While we fall
In or out of love again I doubt I'm gonna win you back
When you got eyes like that
It won't let me in
Always looking out

Lot of people spend their time just floating
We were victims together but lonely
You got hungry eyes that just can't look forward
Can't give them enough but we just can't start over
Building with bent nails we're
falling but holding, I don't wanna take up anymore of your time
Time time time
Sometimes time doesn't heal
No not all
Just stand still
While we fall
In or out of love again I doubt I'm gonna win you back
When you got eyes like that
It won't let me in
Always looking out
Always lookin

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